Religious Education
Religious Education
St Patrick’s School aims to develop in each of its members a deep personal commitment to our Catholic faith. St Patrick’s School endeavours to be visible and active within the St Patrick’s Parish community.
Parents/guardians are regarded as the first and most important educators of their child in faith. St Patrick’s School will continue in partnership with parents to nurture the faith development of each child.
St Patrick’s School is committed to providing an education where young people learn to integrate their Catholic faith with their life and the world in which they live.
Our Religious Education program is based on the Doctrine of the Catholic Church and draws upon the life experiences of the children, their families and the parish community to find its meaning. The program incorporates prayer, celebration of liturgy, sacramental preparation and pastoral care.
As a school we provide opportunities to participate in school, level and family Masses with the Parish.
Children are prepared for the Sacraments in the following Year levels –
- Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) Year 3
- Sacrament of Eucharist (Communion) Year 4
- Sacrament of Confirmation Year 6
St Patrick’s School’s Catholic Identity is deepened as we work towards a more just and fair world because we believe it is a necessary response to the Gospel values and a matter of justice. We work together as a community to fulfil the core mission of giving prominence to the Gospel and person of Jesus Christ as well as Catholic Social Teaching principles.
The whole community celebrate our Christmas Carol service together.