Parent Information
Important Policies:
Child Safety policies and all school policies can be viewed on the Policies tab of this website.
School Uniform
Our uniform is available at Primary Schoolwear Pty Ltd - 1/596 North Road Ormond & online
Our Parents and Friends run a pre-loved uniform shop. Please contact the school office for more details.
Summer Terms 1 & 4: St Patrick's blue & white checked summer dress OR
Navy blue gabardine shorts and school blue and white checked shirt or sky blue short sleeved shirt
Navy woollen jumper & School hat
Black Leather Shoes, Socks – anklet, white
Winter Terms 2 &3 (Prep – Yr 3) :Navy & Blue checked tunic with school blue and white checked shirt or sky blue long sleeved Peter Pan collar shirt OR Navy gabardine pants and blue and white checked shirt
Winter (Yr 3 – 6) : Navy & Blue checked skirt with blue and white checked shirt or long sleeved sky blue Peter Pan collar shirt OR Navy gabardine pants and blue and white school checked shirt
Navy woollen jumper
Socks (knee high) – navy OR navy tights
Black Leather Shoes
Sport : Navy & pale blue micromesh polo t-shirt with logo, Navy Micromesh short (or skort ) with logo, Navy Bomber jacket with logo (optional), Navy Sports Track Pant (Nylon), Runners, Socks - white
Miscellaneous : Navy school backpack, Library bag, Art Smock
Lost Property
Please label clearly all possessions your child will bring to school - coats, jumpers, shoes, hats, lunch boxes etc. Be sure to check this regularly.
Lost property is kept in the foyer outside the school hall and at regular intervals is sent to St Vincent de Paul.
PAM Parent Access Module
Parents can access their children's reports online through PAM.
3 Little Bakers Lunch orders
Lunch orders are available Wednesday and Friday from 3 Little Bakers in Murrumbeena.
To order please write your child's name, class and order on a brown paper bag and include the correct amount of money.
School Hours
8:55 am - 3:25 pm
8:45am First bell - children make their way to their classroom
8:55am Uninterrupted Literacy Block P-6 commences
11:15am First eating and play break
12:10pm Class time recommences
1:40 pm Second eating and play break
2.30pm Class time recommences
3:25 pm Dismissal
Late Arrivals
All children arriving to school after 9.00am are required to complete a "Late arrival" notification on the IPAD at the office before proceeding to class. They will take a late pass to give their teacher. This will be recorded on the official attendance roll.
Student Leave During School Hours
Parents/Guardians who arrange to take students for appointments, or who collect them from school must first report to the Office. A "Sign out" must be completed on the Ipad and the office staff will arrange for the student to come to reception to meet you.
The School Office hours are from 8.30am until 4.00pm during School Term.
- The newsletter is posted weekly under the Newsletter tab on the website.
You must read this to keep informed of all important school news and dates. You can subscribe via email.
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