Curriculum Overview
Remarkable Results
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School achieves outstanding results and one of which we can all be proud. Our Curriculum is grounded in a rigorous academic program, where all students are encouraged to achieve high standards and become lifelong learners. Through the combination of inquiry and exciting extra-curricular challenges, students are able to discover and develop their strengths and interests in a learning environment that celebrates achievement.
Dispositions for Learning
At St Patrick’s we believe in a holistic approach to learning that builds capabilities across educational, social, emotional and relational aspects.
We promote learning opportunities that foster creativity, self regulation, connection making and social interaction.
Learning in different ways, building our knowledge and skills and fostering our relationships with others helps us to be self motivated and make a positive impact on our world.
St. Patrick's learners are constantly using our Learning Dispositions to be the best we can be!
We promote our BRIGHT SPARKS dispositions through every aspect of our learning. We strive to be Self Motivated learners who Perseveve, demonstrate Agency, are Responsible, Knowledgeable and creative Solvers!
At St Patrick’s we believe that the study of English is central to the learning and development of all our students. It helps create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate with and build relationships with others and with the world around them. The study of English helps young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training, and the workplace. It helps them become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of society. Through the curriculum English plays an important part in developing the understanding, attitudes and capabilities of those who will take responsibility for Australia’s future.
St Patrick’s implement the Daily 5 / CAFÉ framework / Seven Steps to Writing and consistent strategies from Year Prep to 6 to build independence, stamina, choice and trust in the learning community.
The English Curriculum aims to ensure that students:
- learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create, and reflect on increasingly complex and sophisticated spoken, written and multimodal texts across a growing range of contexts with accuracy, fluency, and purpose
- appreciate, enjoy and use the English language in all its variations and develop a sense of its richness and power to evoke feelings, convey information, form ideas, facilitate interaction with others, entertain, persuade and argue
- understand how Standard Australian English works in its spoken and written forms and in combination with non-linguistic forms of communication to create meaning
- develop interest and skills in inquiring into the aesthetic aspects of texts, and develop an informed appreciation of literature.
Mathematics has application in all human activities, crossing cultural and linguistic boundaries to provide a universal way of solving problems in areas such as science, engineering, technology, art, crafts and many everyday activities.
The aims of St Patrick's mathematics program align with the Victorian Curriculum:
- demonstrate useful mathematical and numeracy skills for successful general employment and functioning in society
- solve practical problems with mathematics, especially industry and work-based problems
- develop specialist knowledge in mathematics that provides for further study in the discipline
- see mathematical connections and be able to apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes in posing and solving mathematical problems
- be confident in one’s personal knowledge of mathematics, to feel able both to apply it, and to acquire new knowledge and skills when needed
- be empowered through knowledge of mathematics as a numerate citizen, able to apply this knowledge critically in societal and political contexts
- develop understanding of the role of mathematics in life, society and work; the role of mathematics in history; and mathematics as a discipline – its big ideas, history, aesthetics and philosophy.
Information and Communications Technology
At St Patrick’s ICT (Information and Communication Technology) focuses on providing students with the tools to transform their learning and to enrich their learning environment.
The knowledge, skills and behaviours identified for this area enable students to:
- develop new thinking and learning skills that produce creative and innovative insights
- develop more productive ways of working and solving problems individually and collaboratively
- create information products that demonstrate their understanding of concepts, issues, relationships and processes
- express themselves in contemporary and socially relevant ways
- communicate locally and globally to solve problems and to share knowledge
- understand the implications of the use of ICT and their social and ethical responsibilities as users of ICT
All students have access to digital devices and interactive whiteboards and screens. Year 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 6's have their own chromebooks to enhance learning. Foundation students have access to chromebooks and ipads .
All students from Year 1-Year 6 sign a Safe Internet user agreement and learn how to be cyber safe citizens.
At St.Patrick’s, Humanities provides a framework for the development of students’ knowledge and understanding of Australian society, societies in other countries, local and global environments and the interaction of people with the environment.
Studies in the Humanities learning area incorporates Economics, Geography and History and allows students to develop knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to participate as active and informed citizens in a democratic society and in the global community..
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) at St Patrick’s Primary School is a series of hands-on learning experiences that encourages students to think critically and question the world around them.
Students cover concepts that relate to their own daily lives, as well as delving into areas that fascinate, evoke curiosity and inspire.
Students are able to practise simple science skills and use science related tools, along with innovative technology approaches, requiring construction or modelling (engineering). They are taught to conduct an investigation by asking a probing question, making a prediction then undertaking an investigation to see if their prediction is correct. During this process, students learn to take observations and present their results in a variety of manner, utilising multimedia, prototypes and data presentations.
Underpinning all investigations, students are encouraged to respond to the natural world around them with wonderment and awe.
Physical Education
At St Patrick’s we believe that Health and Physical Education are essential to the total development of the child. The aims of our Health and Physical Education program are:
- physical motor skills and movement competence
- sport education
- a level of fitness essential to a healthy lifestyle
- knowledge and understanding of the principles related to health, fitness and human movement
- a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, with the aim of lifelong participation in regular physical activity
- interpersonal relationships and social skills through the medium of sport and games
- improved wellbeing.
Each class has two Physical Education lessons a week. St Patrick’s has a specialist Physical Education Teacher. In Prep – Year 2 the focus is on the development of fundamental motor skills. In Years 3-6, skills are consolidated and a game-centred approach to sport learning is promoted.
There is also the opportunity for children to participate in:
- PMP- Perceptual Motor Program (Prep) Children participate in a sequence of physical activities which assist in the development of co-ordination and concept awareness
- swimming program (P-4) This intensive program is conducted at GESAC
- sailing (5-6)
- Royal Life Saving Beach Program including CPR (5-6)
- cross country (4-6)
- interschool Sports (Netball / Football) (5-6)
- opportunities to reach zone, regional and state levels in a variety of sports (4-6)
- whole school sports carnival (P-6)
- sports clinics from outside agencies (P-6)
- opportunity to join 20K Running Club and Walking Club
- division swimming, athletics, cross country and tennis
- football, netball and soccer Lightning Premierships.
- School Camps ( 5-6)
The Arts
At St. Patrick’s there is a strong focus on The Arts to bring out the individual creative talents in each child. The Arts are unique, expressive, creative and communicative forms that engage students in critical and creative thinking and help them understand themselves and the world.
At each level the students are given opportunities and encouraged to use voice and movement to improvise and perform through drama and music. All students are involved in the whole school concert which is held every second year.
In the opposite year the students are involved in a ‘Carols Evening’ whereby the whole school community comes together to sing carols and prepare for Christmas. Each class or level presents a variety of Christmas songs.
School Choirs are formed regularly throughout the year to sing at First Communions, Confirmations, and on special occasions.
The children are able to learn keyboarding and guitar skills by way of a private arrangement with Music Melodies. This is an itinerant program which is run on a weekly basis during school hours. Booking forms and further information can be found in the school office notice rack.
Our specialist Visual Arts teacher teaches students to use different mediums such as painting, drawing, construction, modeling, textiles, print making and collage. The students have a Visual Arts lesson once a week in our well equipped art room. The art work of the children is often displayed throughout the school.
As part of the Visual Art program we regularly have an artist in residence who comes in and works on a large whole school art work which is put on permanent display around our school. The mosaic tile pictures on the front wall, the ceramic tiles on the vegetable gardens and the aboriginal mural in the rear playground are wonderful examples of such worthwhile programs that have been part of the Visual Arts program here at St. Patrick’s.
From Foundation to Year 2 students discover their singing voice and begin to learn about the music elements of beat, rhythm, pitch, dynamics and tempo through games and songs. They play and create music using voices, body percussion and percussion instruments, and perform actions and dance movements in time to music. They begin to read written symbols used in music. The students learn what it means to be an audience member and a performer.
In Years 3 to 6 students continue to learn more about rhythm, pitch and other music elements through games and songs. They improvise and create their own music and perform this using voices, body percussion and musical instruments. They build on their understanding of music notation, practising reading and writing skills. The students continue to perform movements in time to music and to experience music as both a performer and audience member.
Our music specialist coordinates the St Patrick's school choir for all Year 3-6 children wishing to participate.
Italian Language
At St. Patricks we are proud to teach our Year 1-6 students the language and culture of Italy.
The purpose of our Italian program at St Patrick’s is to increase awareness of the multilingual and multicultural nature of Australian society, and to acquire cognitive, affective and socio-cultural skills that may be transferable to other areas of learning. Every class has one Italian lesson a week.
The students are invited to participate in songs, drama, games and digital media to enhance their language acquisition.
Assessment & Reporting
Assessment and Reporting are vital processes which provide information about what students know and can do, and to inform their future learning.
At St. Patrick's both formal and informal assessments are undertaken, providing assessment as, for and of learning.
An assessment schedule determines minimum requirements at each level. Goals for each student are determined early in the year and are reported against in formal mid-year and end of year school reports, as well as twice yearly parent teacher meetings.
Excursions and Incursions
The Excursion and Incursion program aims to provide pupils with a well considered 'diet' of experiences, integral to the total school program, extending and enriching the program so that school life will be more stimulating, rewarding and enjoyable for all children.
Excursion and incursion costs are incorporated into the school fee structure.
Parents are often asked to support excursions. Parents require a Working With Children's Check (WWCC) to help onsite and offsite as per our Child Safety Policy.